UPDATE ON – Ascension -The Event- Frequency Shift- The New Earth -Information Through QHHT
I often have clients come for QHHT sessions asking about “The Event” .. “Shift” …“Ascension”….”Fifth dimension”….you know that thing that’s supposed to be happening that [...]
Existence in The Physical Body From The Perspective of a Light Being
Ever wonder what it feels like to be a light bodied being living on today’s 3-D earth? Today I spent several hours with just such [...]
Cosmic Parenthood And The Solar Eclipse
During the recent solar eclipse like so many others, I made a point of meditating, actually it turned out to be a glorious 2 hour [...]
When the Blue Bird Tribe People Inhabited the Earth and Built the Pyramids
I was having a bit of a theme running earlier this year with pyramids that I’ve written about in earlier articles called...Exploring The Purpose Of [...]