A YouTube Chat with the Ego ~ An Understanding in Integration of the Human Consciousness
I had the pleasure of seeing Suzanne Spooner present this information at our recent QHHT Practitioner's reunion in Springdale Arkansas. We practitioners often talk [...]
Volunteer Suffers From Migraines
The Higher Consciousness recently said to me during a session, “The body is perfect, there’s nothing wrong with the body, it’s the mind that is causing [...]
A Loving Soul Allows Healing….Eventually
The client who I’m writing about today embodies love and is in fact here this time (they have had only 5 lives on earth) to [...]
Another QHHT Miracle: Lorna’s Healed Herniated Discs
This story is important, so my hope is that you read it all the way through. But you really don’t have to if you uninterested [...]