A Walk-In Remembers
The very first time I read about the concept of a Walk-In soul taking over a body and living out the agreements of the first soul [...]
A Soul’s First Incarnation On Earth
When Dolores Cannon wrote her book The Three Waves Of Volunteers and The New Earth she identified three groups of beings who have volunteered to [...]
An Arcturian Encounter Reveals Life Purpose
Dolores Cannon always maintained that if you can get past a person’s fear then you can find the truth. When she worked with people who [...]
Exploring The Astrology Chart of Dolores Cannon And The Compelling Connection With Nostradamus
On December 4, 2015 Astrologer, Tamira McGillivray and I were guests on an IN5D Blog Talk radio show called - Quantum Healing With Candace..... Astrologer [...]