What is QHHT®?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis TechniqueSM (QHHT®), is a revolutionary technique developed by world renowned hypnotherapist author and teacher Dolores Cannon. This technique takes you beyond the usual past life regression and into a place where clarity, understanding and healing can be found by speaking to that part of you that really does know the answer to every question……your Higher Self.
In 2009 I first studied QHHT®, with Dolores Cannon …
…and was immediately impressed with her authenticity as the founder of this very unique method and the potential for emotional and physical healing that this technique offers. I had worked with energy healing for many years and I could see that often what might take many energy healing sessions to resolve was completed in only one QHHT® session.
Dolores Cannon developed and taught …
…this method over a career spanning 45-plus years to help each person to heal themselves and receive information and understanding that is appropriate for them in a relaxing, safe, supported environment.
QHHT® is based on the understanding that physical illness and emotional issues originate from emotional baggage we carry, often originating from experience in the past, whether this be in this life or another lifetime. Through understanding the cause, the issue/emotional block can be let go of and appropriate healing can then proceed, freeing the individual of the physical or emotional issue.
In a QHHT® session your Higher Self (the part of you that has access to all knowledge) brings you exactly what is appropriate for you. Perhaps there is something important it wants to say to you, emotional or physical healing may be it’s objective or it may want to show you who you are and what you are here to do. As Dolores taught and advised… “Always leave it open with no expectations.” In the years I have practiced her method I’ve found Dolores’s advice is still the very best advice.
The Higher Self …
… is the larger, universally connected part of each one of us. It is always with you, always communicating with you, it sees the bigger picture, it knows everything about each of us and it wants to help each one of us in the best way possible with our understanding and permission. This together with a person’s openness and acceptance is all that’s needed.
With the continued expansion of human consciousness, more than just past lives are available to experience in a QHHT® session. Some may experience scenes in their current life, future lives, parallel lives, lives on other planets, dimensions and planes of existence that could never be imagined. When a QHHT® session is conducted as Dolores taught, each person goes to “the most appropriate time and place” and we explore this together.
With our continued expansion and evolution of human consciousness comes the ability for humanity now to be more aware in their day to day life and in deeper levels of consciousness while in hypnosis. This is a very exciting evolutionary step for humanity because when we can be more aware in deeper levels of consciousness we are able to fully participate in our QHHT® session and our daily life with clarity.
Once a person experiences their Higher Self through a QHHT® session they are more aware that this all-knowing part of themselves is in constant communication with them in a multitude of ways and the person is now able to continue in their current life journey and beyond with a clear understanding and confidence they may have not experienced before.
I have witnessed healing …
… occur many, many times, more often than not. While there are no guarantees that healing will occur in a QHHT® session, I am constantly encouraged by what I’m seeing in my practice.
All that is required is being open to the possibility of being healed and the intention to change your belief from a belief in illness-dis-ease in the body to a belief in and acceptance of health and well being.
Our beliefs are powerful things, what we believe we create so why not create health, wealth and happiness? Someone’s Higher Consciousness once said to me during their session: There is nothing wrong with his body…..his body is healthy, it’s all in his mind.
In fact you can begin your healing today by living your life as you would if you were healed now. Imagine, day dream if you will, what would it feel like to be completely healed? What would you do? Visualize this, feel this, accept and know it is not only possible, it is probable…..it will create a welcoming space for healing to occur even before your session, I’ve seen this happen.
What Will It Be Like?
Dolores Cannon taught that a QHHT® session cannot be rushed, this is your day and indeed you will not leave the same person who arrived in the morning. QHHT® sessions conducted as Dolores taught generally take from 4 to 6 hours (sometimes longer) to complete.
Remember, this is your opportunity to find understanding and shifting of issues that may have puzzled you or created impenetrable blocks in your life. What took many years, or lifetimes to be created may need patience and time to resolve. Experiencing a QHHT® session as Dolores conducted herself is just the beginning of your transformation.
When you arrive …
… we will begin by relaxing and getting to know each other. During this time I want to hear about you and your life experiences. We all have our struggles and our triumphs in experiencing a human life on this earth. We all get ourselves into all sorts of situations and out again, it’s all great experience to our Higher Self, our soul’s journey is never meant to be judged harshly by anyone least of all ourselves.
After reviewing your list of questions we will talk about hypnosis, or what I prefer to call relaxation and how natural and easy relaxation is, after all if you can fall asleep you can easily allow yourself to relax to the deepest level of consciousness, this is something all humans do regularly.
Then I will get you settled comfortably ready for deep relaxation. As I begin the induction you will see how easy and natural hypnosis is, all you have to do is relax. There is no wrong way to experience QHHT®, but a multitude of right ways, simply relax and enjoy your experience!
During the entire experience I will be right there with you asking questions to which you will reply with the very first thing that you see, feel, hear or simply know, you don’t even have to think up an answer, the very first thing is always the correct answer!
Speaking to your Higher Self …
…is an important part of a QHHT® session. When I speak with your Higher Self or what I like to call the Higher Consciousness (HC), I trust this all-knowing part of you that is in constant communication with you wants to help you in the best way possible.
This part of you knows exactly what it wants to bring you in a way that is most perfect for you to experience. I trust the wisdom of the Higher Consciousness completely and I ask you to let go, trust and accept this part of yourself also.
Will you remember?
As the session comes to a close I will carefully bring you back to full wakefulness, feeling refreshed and wonderful! You may feel as though you have remembered every detail, but just as with a dream, most soon find the memory fading.
There is no need for you to remember anything though, I will give you a recording of your session to take home and review as many times as you want. In fact by listening to your recording over and over again will help bring you additional answers and healing to help you move forward in your life!
Please be aware:
- If you find the practitioner is including other modalities in with your QHHT® session, either before or after, this is not QHHT®.
- Or offers to do the session remotely over the internet or by phone know that this is not what Dolores taught, in fact it is not QHHT®.
- If the practitioner tells you your session will take less than 4 hours to complete, know that is not a QHHT® session as Dolores and Julia teach.
- If the practitioner “suggests” multiple sessions know that while it is not harmful to have multiple sessions if the CLIENT chooses, it is not necessary. One session is all that is typically needed.
- A QHHT® session is not a reading, the QHHT® practitioner assists the client to access their own wisdom and healing by asking questions that bring forth the client’s own information rather than the practitioner doing the healing or answering the client’s questions for them.
- With all of her experience Dolores knew very well how to conduct her sessions in the safest way possible for the maximum benefit of her client. This is what Dolores and Julia Cannon teach and this is nothing less than what the client should expect from their QHHT practitioner.
Scheduling & Cost
$550 – For a complete QHHT® session as taught by Dolores Cannon which includes a recording of your session to take home with you and listen to the rest of your life.
Contact Marilyn at bodysoulapotheca@aol.com
Follow Marilyn on Facebook.
*PLEASE NOTE- At this time I am fully booked for 2024 AND 2025. I will not be scheduling any new sessions for some time and I am not able to keep a cancellation list.
I will post on this page….www.marilyndyke.com future available dates.