
The Event Part 6

QHHT Practitioners Ron Head and Suzanne Spooner have just added to their "The Event"  series with Ron Head Channeling....Please use link below to watch https://youtu.be/S4nw-RF3C2U Ron Head’s Website: www.ronahead.com  Suzanne’s QHHT Website: www.SuzanneSpoonerQHHT.com

UPDATE ON – Ascension -The Event- Frequency Shift- The New Earth -Information Through QHHT

I often have clients come for QHHT sessions asking about “The Event” .. “Shift” …“Ascension”….”Fifth dimension”….you know that thing that’s supposed to be happening that we’re all waiting for.   This is an update on information I posted earlier in my blog article which you can find at through link –  Ascension-The [...]

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