This information came through the client’s Higher Self in  a recent QHHT session regarding what we are moving through now…

ME- We are in such interesting times now and I know many have come to work in similar ways(speaking of the client’s purpose)  and I’m always curious to know how are we doing, how is the earth doing now?

HC-There will be times yet to come that are very dark,  there are times yet to come that will be broken. Nature is adjusting,  people are resisting.  There is still a low, dark energy on this plane.  This will change in the next 5 years we will see a shift where we will allow the darkness to disperse.  There will be enough who understand and will help bring forth the shift.

ME- We are told that the darkness is almost gone now?

HC-Five years.

ME– It seems a long time, OK, so there still will be some very dark events?


ME- How can people like her and other people that come to me, how can they best manage through these dark times?

HC-Through their connection to each other, through their connection to us, through an understanding that this is temporary, this is suppose to happen, this is growth.

ME- Will these dark times have a negative impact on these people who are connecting with each other and are bringing forth the light?

HC-No those who work on our behalf will see it for what it is and thrive.

ME– OK, so they will thrive they won’t be affected by the dark?


 ME– That’s good to know because many people ask about that. Of course there always is going to be some fear even though they know why this is happening.  There often is some fear there.

HC-This is normal, this is human.

ME– Ya, its hard to get rid of it all.

HC-There is need for fear.

ME– Why?

HC-Contrast, without the fear you do not know there is something else.

ME– So just because someone is very fearful it doesn’t mean they have flipped over to the dark side?
